Open letter to my sons,
My darling boys, I can't believe how quickly you are growing. It seems like just yesterday our home was filled with diapers and baby food. Now it's ipods and laptops. As you know, each stage of life comes with new lessons to be learned. After much consideration, I feel it's time for me to teach you one such lesson.
Ok... there is a machine to the left of our kitchen sink. This machine is called a dishwasher. Say it with me:
D I S H W A S H E R. Good. This wondrous piece of technology can wash our dirty dishes with very little effort on our part. That said, there are a few things we humans must do. First and foremost, we must put the aforementioned dirty dishes from the sink into the machine. You see, when I bought each glass, plate, spoon, etc home, I cut it's tiny legs off. This means nothing can walk itself to the dishwasher. Luckily for us, our sink is in close proximity to our dishwasher. This means very little movement on your part. All you need to do is scrape any food remnants into the trash..again conveniently located near said sink and dishwasher (although as teenagers, you rarely leave anything behind on your plates!!). After the plate has been scraped, load the dirty dishes and utensils into the dishwasher. It's pretty simple to figure out where things get placed but if you have any doubts, don't hesitate to ask me. Once the dishwasher is full (note: not 1/2 full, not overfull) please take the 32 seconds it takes to add dish soap (the cup is labeled inside the front door) AND turn it on (this is a very important step!!) an hour or so- clean dishes!
Now I don't want to overwhelm you with information but when the only light still on is the "clean" light, you can (hold on to your boxers) open the door and put the clean dishes back in their assigned homes!! The cycle then begins again because I know there will already be dirty dishes in the sink.
I know!! It's almost too much to grasp isn't it?? is my greatest joy as a parent to get to share these things with the 2 of you. I am so blessed.
All My Love,